Packaging and interface
Beld Alslam co
Minawiotel pasha hotel
Packaging and interface
Oil hospital south
Packaging and interface
Department of housing doctors
Packaging and interface
Alsfeer building center
Packaging and interface
Zeho aliraq .co
Bank of the Albelad islamic
Packaging and interface
North bank
Packaging and interface
Building complex Golden place
Packaging and interface
Complex Commercial Fadak
Packaging and interface
Ryan Co
Packaging and interface
Exhibition company Msheeh
Packaging and interface
Fresh Restaurant
Packaging and interface
Abraj Exhibtion
Packaging and interface
Bandqait alshraq Building
Packaging and interface
Chicken Restaurant Marina
Packaging and interface
Alamraa Hotel
Packaging and interface
Mashaa Allah building
Packaging and interface
Nissan Exhibition
Packaging and interfaces
Special project
Razi school
Packaging and interface
Ajlan company
Building company Ajlan
Packaging and interface
Office Buraq
Office Buraq
Packaging and interface
Special project
Al- faisal building
Packaging and interface
Special project
Fula project
Packaging and interface
South Gas Co
Senior building
Packaging and interface
South Gas Co
Management in the Gas liquid co
Packaging and interface
Special project
Packaging and interface
National company
National company building
Packaging and interface
Special project
Building of alabrar
Packaging and interface
Special project
Nosa salon
Packaging and interface
Special project
North Bank
Packaging and interface
Special project
The city mart
Coalition provisional Authority
The establishment of clinic Nehr Hassan
Department of the shiiae Waqf
The creation of complex commercial fadak
Unit Iocal reconstruction
Alantfada school
Khor Al-zubair
Oil Products Distribution
The Alem petrol station
Building Technical institute
Rehabilitation building department mechanics
South Gas
South Gas Com
Rehabilitation sheds stores
Basrah/ Al- diar
Abbey Bridge Rehabilitation
Basrah University
Basrah University
Complete the building architecture
Center of Basra
South electricity of Distribution
Complete the second phase of building electricity distribution company